All types of visa in Australia list complete guideline

All types of visa in Australia How many types of 485 visa are there in Australian Visa list We can show you all visa list what type of visa options that might suit your needs Australian all type of visa list complete guideline. partner visa Australia & 408 visa Visa list ​​​​​This is a list of Australian visas tourist visa Australia This is a list of Australian visas.

Table Of Contents

  1. Visitor visas

  2. Studying and training visas

  3. Family and partner visas

  4. Working and skilled visas

  5. Refugee and humanitarian visas

  6. Other visas

  7. Repealed visas

  8. FAQ



Australian Visa information guide

1- Visitor visas Australian

1. Electronic Travel Authority subclass 601)
2. eVisitor subclass 651 Visa )
3. Transit visa subclass 771 visa )
4. Visitor subclass 600 visa )
5. Work and Holiday visa subclass 462 visa )
6. Working Holiday visa subclass 417 visa )

1- Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) This visa is for people who want to travel to Australia for short-term tourism or business purposes. It is linked electronically to the traveler’s passport and does not require a visa label or stamp.

2- eVisitor (subclass 651) This is a free visa for eligible passport holders outside Australia who want to visit for tourism or business purposes. It allows multiple entries to Australia within 12 months, with each stay being up to 3 months.

3- Transit visa (subclass 771) This visa is for individuals passing through Australia on their way to another destination. It is designed for people who are not staying in Australia but need to pass through for a short period.

4- Visitor visa (subclass 600) This is a general visitor visa that allows people to visit Australia for tourism, business, or visiting family and friends. It is available in different streams, including Tourist stream, Business Visitor stream, and Sponsored Family stream.

5- Work and Holiday visa working holiday visa Australia  (subclass 462) This visa is designed for young adults aged 18 to 30 (inclusive) from certain countries to have an extended holiday in Australia and to supplement their travel funds through short-term work.

6- Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) Similar to the Work and Holiday visa, this allows young people aged 18 to 30 (inclusive) from eligible countries to have an extended holiday in Australia while also engaging in short-term work to fund their stay.

 2- Studying and training visas Australian

  1. Student visa (subclass 500)
  2. Student Guardian visa (subclass 590)
  3. Training visa (subclass 407)

1- Student visa (subclass 500) This visa allows international students to study in Australia at an approved educational institution. It is a comprehensive visa that covers various education sectors, including primary and secondary schools, vocational education and training (VET) institutions, higher education institutions, and English language courses. The subclass 500 visa is designed to cater to different levels of education.

2- Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) This visa is for individuals who wish to accompany international students under the age of 18 to Australia. It is suitable for parents or legal guardians who are responsible for the student’s welfare while they are studying in Australia.

3- Training visa (subclass 407) This visa is for individuals who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to participate in occupational training or professional development. It is designed for people who are sponsored by an approved sponsor and engage in structured workplace-based training.

3- Family and partner visas Australian

1. Adoption visa (subclass 102)
2. Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 114)
3. Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 838)
4. Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)
5. Career visa (subclass 836)
6. Career visa (subclass 116)
7. Child visa (subclass 101)
8. Child visa (subclass 802)
9. Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884)
10. Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864)
11. Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173)
12. Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143)
13. Dependent Child visa (subclass 445)
14. New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (temporary) visa (subclass 461)
15. Orphan Relative (subclass 117)
16. Orphan Relative (subclass 837)
17. Parent visa (subclass 103)
18. Partner (Provisional and Migrant) visa (subclass 309 100)
19. Partner visa (subclass 820 801)
20. Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300)
21. Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115)
22. Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835)
23. Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 870)

Family Visas Australian

1- Adoption visa (subclass 102) For children adopted from overseas by an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
2- Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 114): For aged dependent relatives of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens.
3- Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 838) Similar to the subclass 114 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
4- Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) For parents who are old enough to be eligible for an Australian age pension and have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia.
5- Career visa (subclass 836) For individuals needed to care for an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen with a long-term or permanent medical condition.
6- Career visa (subclass 116) Similar to the subclass 836 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
7- Child visa (subclass 101) For dependent children of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens.
8- Child visa (subclass 802) Similar to the subclass 101 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
9- Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884) A temporary visa allowing parents to stay in Australia for up to two years, while waiting for the permanent contributory aged parent visa.
10- Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864): For parents who are old enough to be eligible for an Australian age pension and have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia.
11- Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173): A temporary visa for parents to stay in Australia for up to two years, while waiting for the permanent contributory parent visa.
12- Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) Similar to the subclass 864 visa, but for those applying from outside Australia.
13- Dependent Child visa (subclass 445) For dependent children applying to join a parent who holds a temporary partner visa.
14- New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (temporary) visa (subclass 461) For family members of New Zealand citizens to live and work in Australia.
15- Orphan Relative (subclass 117) For children who are single and orphaned, or both parents are unable to care for them.
16- Orphan Relative (subclass 837) Similar to the subclass 117 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
17- Parent visa (subclass 103) For parents who are old enough to be eligible for an Australian age pension and have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia.

Partner Visas Australian

1- Partner (Provisional and Migrant) visa (subclass 309/100) For partners or spouses of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens.
2- Partner visa (subclass 820/801) Similar to the subclass 309/100 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
3- Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) For individuals who are engaged to be married to an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.

Other Family Visas Australian

1- Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115) For people who are the only remaining relative of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
2- Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835) Similar to the subclass 115 visa, but for those applying from within Australia.
3- Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 870) Allows parents to stay in Australia for extended periods, with sponsorship from their child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.

4-  Job Working and skilled visas Australian Details

  1. Business Innovation and Investment (permanent) visa (subclass 888 Visa)
  2. Business Innovation and Investment (provisional) visa (subclass 188 Visa)
  3. Business Owner (subclass 890 Visa)
  4. Global Talent visa (subclass 858 Visa)
  5. Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186 Visa)
  6. Investor visa (subclass 891 Visa)
  7. Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa (subclass 191 Visa)
  8. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187 Visa)
  9. Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 494 Visa)
  10. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189 visa)
  11. Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  12. Skilled-Recognized Graduate visa (subclass 476 Visa)
  13. Skilled Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 489 Visa)
  14. Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887)
  15. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491 Visa)
  16. State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner visa (subclass 892 Visa)
  17. State or Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893 Visa)
  18. Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408 Visa )
  19. Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485 Visa )
  20. Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403 Visa )
  21. Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa (subclass 400 Visa)
  22. Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482 Visa)

1- Business Innovation and Investment (permanent) visa (subclass 888) For individuals who hold a provisional Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188) and wish to continue their business or investment activities in Australia.
2- Business Innovation and Investment (provisional) visa (subclass 188) This is a temporary visa for individuals who want to own and manage a business or invest in Australia.
3- Business Owner (subclass 890) A permanent visa for individuals who have owned and managed a business in Australia on a provisional visa (subclass 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165).
4- Global Talent visa (subclass 858) For individuals with exceptional talents or outstanding achievements in specific fields who are internationally recognized.
5- Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) Allows skilled workers to live and work in Australia permanently if nominated by their employer.
6- Investor visa (subclass 891) A permanent visa for individuals who have maintained a designated investment in Australia on a provisional visa (subclass 162).
7- Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa (subclass 191) A permanent visa for skilled workers who have lived and worked in specified regional areas of Australia on a relevant visa.
8- Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187) Allows employers in regional areas of Australia to sponsor skilled workers for permanent residence.
9- Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 494) A temporary visa for skilled workers nominated by an employer in regional Australia.
10- Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189 visa ) A points-tested visa for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member.
11- Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) A points-tested visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory government.
12- Skilled-Recognized Graduate visa (subclass 476) For recent engineering graduates from recognized institutions to work and study in Australia temporarily.
13- Skilled Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 489) A four-year provisional visa for skilled workers to live and work in regional Australia.
14- Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887) For individuals who have lived and worked in specified regional areas of Australia on a relevant visa.
15- Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) A points-tested visa for skilled workers nominated by a state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible family member to live and work in regional Australia.
16- State or Territory Sponsored Business Owner visa (subclass 892) A permanent visa for individuals who have established and operated a business in Australia on a provisional visa.
17- State or Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893) A permanent visa for individuals who have maintained a designated investment in Australia on a provisional visa.
18- Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) For individuals engaging in specific activities such as entertainment, sports, and cultural events.
19- Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) Allows recent graduates to work, study, or live in Australia temporarily.
20- Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403) For individuals involved in specific activities that benefit Australia’s international relations.
21- Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa (subclass 400) For short-term, highly specialized work not covered by other visa categories.
22- Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) Allows employers to sponsor skilled workers to fill labor shortages.


5- Refugee and humanitarian visas Australian Details


1. Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)
2. Protection visa (subclass 866)
3. Refugee visas (subclass 200, 201, 203 and 204)
4. Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785)
5. Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790)
6. Resolution of Status visa (subclass 851)

1- Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) This visa is for people outside Australia who are subject to substantial discrimination amounting to gross violation of their human rights in their home country. It is often granted to those proposed by an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
2- Protection visa (subclass 866) This visa is for individuals in Australia who are refugees, have a well-founded fear of persecution in their home country, and cannot return due to this fear.
3- Refugee visas (subclass 200, 201, 203, and 204) These visas are part of the Refugee and Humanitarian program and are designed for people who are subject to persecution in their home country and are outside Australia. Each subclass may have specific eligibility criteria and requirements.
1- Subclass 200: Refugee visa for individuals outside Australia.
2- Subclass 201: In-country Special Humanitarian visa for individuals in their home country.
3- Subclass 203: Emergency Rescue visa for individuals outside Australia facing immediate harm.
4- Subclass 204 Woman at Risk visa for women outside Australia who are at risk of victimization.
4- Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785) This visa is for individuals in Australia who arrived onshore and are found to engage Australia’s protection obligations but may not meet all criteria for a permanent Protection visa. It provides temporary protection and access to work and certain services.
5- Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790) This visa is for individuals who arrive in Australia and are allowed to work and study in regional areas. To qualify, they must have engaged Australia’s protection obligations and meet specific criteria related to employment and residence in designated areas.
6- Resolution of Status visa (subclass 851) This visa is for individuals in Australia who arrived onshore and are in the process of having their refugee status assessed. It provides temporary protection and allows individuals to work and access some services while their status is resolved.

6- Other visas Australian

  1. Bridging visa A – BVA – (subclass 010)
  2. Bridging visa B – BVB – (subclass 020)
  3. Bridging visa C – BVC – (subclass 030)
  4. Bridging visa E – BVE – (subclass 050 and 051)
  5. Crew Travel Authority visa (subclass 942)
  6. Former Resident visa (subclass 151)
  7. Maritime Crew visa (subclass 988)
  8. Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602)
  9. Resident Return visa (subclass 155 157)
  10. Special Category visa (subclass 444)
  11. Special Purpose visa
  12. Investor Retirement visa (subclass 405)
  13. Confirmatory (Residence) visa (subclass 808)

1- Bridging visa A – BVA (subclass 010) This visa allows individuals to stay in Australia lawfully while waiting for a decision on their substantive visa application. It is often granted to individuals who are onshore and have applied for another substantive visa.
2- Bridging visa B – BVB (subclass 020) This visa allows individuals on a Bridging visa A to leave and return to Australia during the period when they are waiting for a decision on a substantive visa application.
3- Bridging visa C – BVC (subclass 030) This visa is for individuals who have overstayed their visa, allowing them to remain in Australia lawfully while they make arrangements to depart, finalize immigration matters, or wait for a decision on a visa application.
4- Bridging visa E – BVE (subclass 050 and 051) This visa is for individuals who are in immigration detention, have overstayed their visa, or are in a situation where their visa has ceased, providing them with lawful status while their immigration matters are resolved.
5- Crew Travel Authority visa (subclass 942) This visa is for crew members of non-military ships and aircraft who are entering Australia as part of their official duties.
6- Former Resident visa (subclass 151) This visa is for former Australian permanent residents or former citizens who want to return to live in Australia.
7- Maritime Crew visa (subclass 988) This visa is for individuals working as crew members on non-military ships while they are in Australia.
8- Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602) This visa is for individuals who need medical treatment in Australia. It can also be used by individuals who are donating an organ to someone in Australia.
9- Resident Return visa (subclass 155, 157) This visa allows former Australian permanent residents and certain former Australian citizens to re-enter Australia as permanent residents.
10- Special Category visa (subclass 444) This visa is for citizens of New Zealand who can enter, live, and work in Australia as long as they remain a New Zealand citizen.
11- Special Purpose visa This is a visa category for individuals who have a special circumstance that does not fit into the standard visa categories. It is usually used for individuals attending specific events or engaging in unique activities.
12- Investor Retirement visa (subclass 405) This visa is for retirees who are self-funded and want to live in Australia during their retirement years.
13- Confirmatory (Residence) visa (subclass 808) Also known as the “last resort” visa, this visa is for individuals who are in Australia and at risk of being removed but are not eligible for any other visa.

7- Repealed visas in Australian

1. Business (Short Stay) visa (subclass 456)
2. Business Skills (Provisional) visa (subclass 160 and 165)
3. Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132)
4. Distinguished Talent visa (subclass 124)
5. Domestic Worker (Temporary) Diplomatic and Consular visa (subclass 426)
6. Domestic Worker (Temporary) Executive visa (subclass 427)
7. Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant) visa (subclass 956 and 977)
8. Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor) visa (subclass 976)
9. Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 121 and 856)
10. Established Business in Australia visa (subclass 845)
11. Exchange visa (subclass 411)
12. Foreign Government Agency (subclass 415)
13. Government Agreement visa (subclass 406)
14. Labour Agreement visa (subclass 120)
15. Labour Agreement visa (subclass 855)
16. Media and Film Staff visa (subclass 423)
17. Medical Practitioner visa (subclass 422)
18. Medical Treatment (Short Stay) visa (subclass 675)
19. Medical Treatment Long Stay visa (subclass 685)
20. Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 119 and 857)
21. Religious Worker visa (subclass 428)
22. Retirement visa (subclass 410)
23. Skilled Designated Area Sponsored visa (subclass 496)
24. Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495)
25. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 175)
26. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 885)
27. Skilled Regional Sponsored visa (subclass 475)
28. Skilled Regional Sponsored (subclass 487)
29. Skilled Sponsored visa (subclass 176)
30. Special Program visa (subclass 416)
31. Sponsored visa (subclass 886)
32. Sport visa (subclass 421)
33. Superyacht Crew visa (subclass 488)
34. State or Territory Sponsored Regional Established Business in Australia visa (subclass 846)
35. Temporary Work (Entertainment) visa (subclass 420)
36. Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457)
37. Tourist visa (subclass 676)
38. Temporary Work (long Stay Activity) visa (subclass 401)
39. Training and Research visa (subclass 402)
40. Visiting Academic visa (subclass 419)
41. Foreign Affairs or Defense sector visa (subclass 576)
42. Higher Education Sector visa (subclass 573)
43. Independent ELICOS Sector visa (subclass 570)
44. Non Award Sector visa (subclass 575)
45. Postgraduate Research Sector visa (subclass 574)
46. School Sector visa (subclass 571)
47. Student Guardian visa (subclass 580)
48. Vocational Education and Training Sector visa (Subclass 572)

Visa Details Australian

1- Business (Short Stay) visa (subclass 456) Replaced by the Visitor (Business Stream) visa (subclass 600).
2- Business Skills (Provisional) visa (subclass 160 and 165) Replaced by the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188).
3- Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132) Replaced by the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888).
4- Distinguished Talent visa (subclass 124) Replaced by the Distinguished Talent visa (subclass 858).
5- Domestic Worker (Temporary) Diplomatic and Consular visa (subclass 426) Replaced by the Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403).
6- Domestic Worker (Temporary) Executive visa (subclass 427) Replaced by the Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403).
7- Electronic Travel Authority (Business Entrant) visa (subclass 956 and 977):** Replaced by the Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601).
8- Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor) visa (subclass 976):** Replaced by the Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601).
9- Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 121 and 856) Replaced by the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186).
10- Established Business in Australia visa (subclass 845) Replaced by the Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132).
11- Exchange visa (subclass 411) Replaced by various other visa categories, depending on the nature of the exchange.
12- Foreign Government Agency (subclass 415) Replaced by the Diplomatic (Subclass 995) visa.
13- Government Agreement visa (subclass 406)Replaced by various other visa categories, depending on the specific agreement.
14- Labour Agreement visa (subclass 120) Replaced by the Labour Agreement visa (subclass 482).
15- Labour Agreement visa (subclass 855) Replaced by the Labour Agreement visa (subclass 482).
16- Media and Film Staff visa (subclass 423)Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
17- Medical Practitioner visa (subclass 422) Replaced by the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457).
18- Medical Treatment (Short Stay) visa (subclass 675) Replaced by the Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602).
19- Medical Treatment Long Stay visa (subclass 685) Replaced by the Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602).
20- Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 119 and 857) Replaced by the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187).
21- Religious Worker visa (subclass 428) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
22- Retirement visa (subclass 410) Replaced by the Investor Retirement visa (subclass 405).
23- Skilled Designated Area Sponsored visa (subclass 496) Replaced by the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489).
24- Skilled Independent Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 495):** Replaced by the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489).
25- Skilled Independent visa (subclass 175) Replaced by the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189 visa ).
26- Skilled Independent visa (subclass 885) Replaced by the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189 visa ).
27- Skilled Regional Sponsored visa (subclass 475) Replaced by the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489).
28- Skilled Regional Sponsored (subclass 487)Replaced by the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489).
29- Skilled Sponsored visa (subclass 176) Replaced by the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190).
30- Special Program visa (subclass 416) Replaced by various other visa categories, depending on the nature of the program.
31- Sponsored visa (subclass 886) Replaced by the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190).
32- Sport visa (subclass 421) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
33- Superyacht Crew visa (subclass 488) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
34- State or Territory Sponsored Regional Established Business in Australia visa (subclass 846) Replaced by the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888).
35- Temporary Work (Entertainment) visa (subclass 420) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
36- Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) Replaced by the Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482).
37- Tourist visa (subclass 676) Replaced by the Visitor visa (subclass 600).
38- Temporary Work (long Stay Activity) visa (subclass 401) Replaced by the Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403).
39- Training and Research visa (subclass 402) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
40- Visiting Academic visa (subclass 419) Replaced by the Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408).
41- Foreign Affairs or Defense sector visa (subclass 576) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
42- Higher Education Sector visa (subclass 573) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
43- Independent ELICOS Sector visa (subclass 570) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
44- Non Award Sector visa (subclass 575) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
45- Postgraduate Research Sector visa (subclass 574) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
46- School Sector visa (subclass 571) Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.
48- Vocational Education and Training Sector visa (Subclass 572):** Replaced by the Subclass 500 Student visa.



1- How many types of Australian visas are there?
Answer: Yes total of visa 121 as Per official Website

2- What are the 4 most common types of visas?
Answer: Total 4 Visa
1- Tourist Visa.
2- Business Visa.
3- Work Visa.
4- Student Visa.

3- How do I apply for an Australian visa online ?
Answer: Yes u can apply Online Visa official Website



The information provided here is a General overview 2023 and individuals should refer to the official Website visit and get more detail of the Australian Department of Home Affairs for the most Details and Apply Visa here up-to-date information Visa News Also More Details 


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